AltX Credit Fund
Diversified Exposure
Diverse Mortgage Securities and Secured Credit Assets
Interest Paid Monthly
12.80% p.a.*
*Annualised monthly return for December
Fund overview
Open-ended Australian Wholesale Unit Trust
Minimum Investment
AUD $500,000
Income Distributions
Investor Eligibility
Wholesale investors only
Underlying Exposure
Credit Opportunities
Target Return p.a.
1 Month BBSW plus 8.50%
Management Fee
1.75% p.a.
Performance Fee
20% of outperformance above Target Return
Withdrawal Frequency
Notice to Withdraw
12 months
Two years
Loans for Construction / Development
Fund structure
Investment guidelines*
In addition to investing in Underlying Loans, Class F will invest in secured credit assets issued by third parties. For this purpose, such credit assets could include:
Asset-backed securities (ABS): The ABS which this Class may invest in will relate to a pool of personal, car and equipment loans, as well as invoice finance. Typically, these loans will be repayable within one to five years.
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS):The CMBS which this class may invest in will relate to a pool of secured commercial loans. Typically, these loans will be repayable within one to five years.
Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS): The RMBS which this Class may invest in will relate to a pool of secured residential loans. Typically, these loans will be repayable within one to five years.
* Refer to Investment Memorandum for detailed Investment Guidelines
Fund documentation
Investment Memorandum
Review the detailed offering document of the Fund
Class Overview
Review an overview of the investment opportunity, fund highlights, key fund terms, investment guidelines and fund structure
Fund Rating Report
Provide your details to request a copy of the rating reports for the AltX Credit Fund